The PDRS Training Institute staff would like to congratulate recent graduates of 40-hour General Civil Mediation Training.
Participants in the Winter Mediation Training Institute were thrilled when the instructors announced “class dismissed” on the final day of the week-long General Civil Mediation course. “This course was fantastic. It was demanding and allowed for a lot of growth and development”, commented Kate Sheets, an organizer for SEUI Local 205.
“This was a remarkably diversified and hard-working group”, said lead co-trainer Terry Croghan. “They remained completely engaged throughout a long, demanding and intensive week of instruction and practical exercises. Not only that, they did it with a level of good humor and collegiality that made the whole experience just plain fun, for us and all of them.”
We look forward to working with these professionals again as they continue to develop their collaborative mediation and mediation advocacy skills.
Kendra Biggs, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Eric Burnette, Burnette, Dobson & Pinchak
Steve Dobson, Burnette, Dobson & Pinchak
Jerry Estes, Jerry N. Estes Law Offices, P.L.L.C.
Marc Harwell, Leitner, Williams, Dooley & Napolitan
Kate Sheets, SEUI Local 205
Carol Watkins, Church of God
Peter Yakimowich, Professional Engineer
Also an extended thank you to our training staff: Lead Trainers: Carol Berz and Terry Croghan along with Ed Nanney, Regina McDevitt and Joe Manuel
For more details on upcoming mediation courses click HERE